twenty ten.. wonderful times.. at the end :)

On 22nd December, 9:20pm, I hurriedly started from office to lingampalli railway station as I don't wanted to miss 9:40 train. I was in time, but the train made me to wait. I was so tired that day, couldn't even reply to cell messages and felt like sleeping immediately. I have this habit of getting frustrated when something keeps me waiting. Every time, when this frustration hits me, I just go back to my past times to live the present. That day, in my thoughts, I just wondered about my wonderful times in 2010. The thought suggested me to write a blog..and it goes this way..

January 19th, at the end of the day, I joined pinku and co (this is how I write in my diary :P) at KPHB. We had been to airport for Vinush's sendoff. From airport, we started to Ravi Teja's hostel as that day was his birthday. We reached hostel after 12 without any cake. We atleast thought of having an ice cream in that cold weather. So we started walking towards the main road expecting a Kwality Wall's light near by. I still remember, during our walk, we saw two people on a motorbike coming towards us. We couldn't see any part of their face as they covered it totally to protect themselves from cold weather and they were also holding a gun. As they came even nearer, I couldn't control myself and spelled “evarra veellu.. terrorists la??”. Immediately, yash shouted “melliga bey.. police lu..”. I stood mouth opened. Wonderful time :)

March 3rd, in the afternoon, I was sleeping when I received a call from Sneha. As soon as my “Hello”, I heard “Saakiii.. humara joining date aagaya..”. For a moment, I felt “huff.. the wait ended finally..”. We had a 2 minute happy talk about joining date, training location, etc. Later, I shared the news with mom showing her my joining letter. Wonderful time :)

August 13th, 11:30pm, I was feeling sleepy, and even my mom was ordering me to sleep as the next day morning I had a plan of going to village for my friend's wedding. At that very moment, I got a call from an unknown number. Though I was not interested in taking the call, I lifted it sensing it as an important call. As soon as I lifted, I got to know that it was Harsha, and I asked him “what's the matter?”. He said “I'll be there in 20 minutes, Don't sleep, I have a small work..”. In that 20minutes break, I just sat wondering what this idiot gonna say. He reached my place very soon and I got a “Come out” call as usual. When I'm getting down stairs, I could see him and I kept on asking him “what happened??”. Reached him, he said “nothing, come this way”, and he made me to walk a bit where I saw another Btech friend Vivek who came from UK all of a sudden. I was totally shocked with his visit. Within no time, I started with them to roam all the night. My sleep disappeared. It should disappear. We reached Gachibowli DLF building, and we had a hot masala dosa followed by a cup of tea. Wonderful time :)

November 5th, at around 1pm in the afternoon, I was in auto with my friend. I got a call from venky which I was expecting as that day was his birthday. He asked me “Did you like it?”. I said “What?”. He then asked me whether Vivek met me the day before. I said No. Then he said “I have sent you a black Jacket with vivek as it is winter. I asked him to give you today. I think he has forgot. Call him and ask for it”. Happy call. Wonderful Time :)

Cjay.. this is how I address my friend Chitra Jadhav. Many days ago, she once messaged me “birthday surprises are special and sweet. I feel everyone deserves a nice birthday. Happy times..”. The day before her birthday, I felt she expects a gift from me. So that will not be a surprise. So that day, I somehow managed to get a permission to leave office at 5pm, and I started to Sainikpuri with google map route running in my mind. I lost my way in old bowenpally and I could say nothing other than “Google maps cheated me”. I started trails to find my way, and to my surprise, the second person whom I have met wanted to go to same place and he asked me whether I can drop him. During our journey, I seriously felt as if God is sitting with me that day. However, I dropped him at his point and I reached her place. Called her mom. Met her. Gave her the gifts. I told her what to do :P. I started back within very less time. Stopped my bike by the side of the road. Gave a reply to Cjay's one hour back “Whats up?” message as “I was busy with work, didn't see your message”. Everything went fine. After two days, she was into a situation to reveal the truth. She said “Saaki.. that day, I got a call from my mom as soon as you called her. Hmmm.. But the 2nd gift was a real surprise”. I stood speechless. Kept on smiling by imagining her thought process when she read my reply that day. Wonderful time :). I felt innocent aunt did not trust me :P, or else it would not have been my wonderful time :)

There are many more wonderful times to describe. My first salary, my first birthday treat, receiving sachin autograph logo T-Shirt from yash's mom, 'Hello Hug' exchanges with Ramki after 7 years, cellphone gift to my sister on Rakhi, small gift from my new friend, 5 friends telephonic conference, Harry's visit, with pinku @airport.. and at the end, the time when I got a thought of putting down my wonderful times of twenty ten is also a wonderful time :)

happyness is everywhere..

Few months ago, on a fine moody day, one question stroked my mind. “What makes a person to be happy very often?” Unlike other questions, this question even started traveling in my mind as I couldn't satisfy myself with an answer initially. I triggered my search for an answer..

A kid back home from school. He need to complete his homework, but he saw his friends playing. His heart says “go and play”, his mom says “play after work”. According to Disappointing Act, any kid need to follow his mom, so he concentrates on his work maintaining the same sad look through out his working time. But the moment he is done with his work, he feels very happy and even forgets his time. Happiness indescribable.

Recently, I had a visit to a temple with my friends where we met a kid who was selling water bottles. The kid sat with us requesting to buy one bottle. We asked him how much do you get for one bottle. He replied '1 rupee'. Anyways, we didn't buy and he left us. After sometime, the kid ran towards us holding a 20 rupee note in his hand with a million dollar smile on his face. In fact, he didn't run towards us but his intention was to show that he finally sold out one which fetches him one rupee profit. An indescribable one rupee Happiness.

I questioned myself, how they are able to absorb happiness from little things? And why are we not? Because as we grow, we ignore the word 'little'. We start feeling the air of tensions. Comparisons begin. We don't get satisfied easily. We care ego. High expectations. And the list goes on. All these attributes play a key role in strengthening a person. But they also become very handy in killing happiness.

A person gets good rank in an examination. But he is not happy because someone else got better rank than him. The value of his good rank is nowhere existing because of his ego. In my sense, Ego should be expressed when a person has chance to show his abilities, but not after the result. If latter is the case, then no doubt ego is a happiness killer.

Recently, after entering into TCS, I saw many people wishing for a project allocation very soon. After project allocation, they need PC immediately. Later, they need work. In the end, they may not like the work. I doubt when actually a person gets satisfied with the things. I asked the same to one of my friend, the reply was “why should I get compromised in every step?” A very valid reply, Right? But I can just say “life is not a promissory note..”. You need to compromise sometimes. If you want satisfaction in every thing, no doubt it is a happiness killer.

An expectation to certain level is always good and I feel that as confidence. But over expectations are the source for disappointments and that in turn kills happiness.

When I joined Btech, I just felt, a good job will keep me happy. Now I got a job, I'm happy. But when someone talks about cracking CAT, when someone talks about GMAT, when someone talks about onsite, I feel there are many other great things than job. It is true. But what about my job happiness?? Very simple, my comparisons locked my happiness. I couldn't find any happiness in my job until I read the quote..Never compare yourself to others.. you never know what their journey is all about..”. It is so true for a person like me :). What I mean is never plan your growth by comparing with others. “You grow in your own unique way”.

Most of us hold above pointed attributes. Try not to give a chance to these things to control your happiness. Let's see what life has planned for you. Remember, happyness should not be the end, it should accompany you through out your journey. Enjoy the tiny precious happy moments which life shoots at you. There are many little incidents which we generally ignore. Happyness is everywhere, it should be there in your eyes to see it, to feel, and to cherish. Laugh out loud. Plan surprises. Love your relations. Celebrate someone's victory. Use facebook :P. Oh.. I'm getting emotional. I think I should end now..!!

P.S: I couldn't find a common name to ego, satisfaction, expectations, comparisons, etc. So I just named them as attributes ;)

a night journey to my place..

Three weeks ago, we were working on a project's pre-release task and I was asked to stay in office till 3am. Though they didn't force me. I agreed because I was Excited to stay late night. My actual plan was to stay till 4, later I thought of boarding train at 5am in lingampally. Work started in the evening at around 6pm. And it went on fine. I sat observing the whole work. Unfortunately, we faced a problem with system's disk space and our work got stopped. We tried in 3 different machines and nothing worked for us. I unlocked my cell phone and looked at time. It was 1am. And Sridhar wants to go home as he need to come early in the morning to solve the issue with project manager.

I don't know what to do and I even couldn't ask sridhar to drop me as he need to travel 30km to his place. Anyways, I stepped out of the campus at around 2am. Asusual I reached nearby bus stop. I know that there will not be any buses at that time, but I don't know where to start. So I opted bus stop. Luckily, I saw a guy coming on bike. I asked him for lift and thank God he stopped. He said “Ok” when I asked him to drop me at lingampally. I didn't spoke much with him. Had a silent journey.

Got down at lingampally. I started asking for lift again. For some part of time, no one stopped. Atlast, God answered my patience. Infact I have nothing to do other than maintaining patience. One guy stopped for me. I told him that I need to goto miyapur. He said “I'll go till R.S Brothers”. Hmmm I don't know where it is but I acted as if I knew it and said Ok. It took just 3 minutes to reach RS Brothers and I felt to myself “Hmmm it is damn near”. I wished him Goodnight and started staring at vehicles.

After few minutes, I requested a car to stop. And to my surprise, it stopped. I repeated the lines “I need to goto miyapur”. That man replied “I can drop you in next stop”. I accepted :-P. Had a short talk with him about my night stay. And I got down in no time. I started requesting again. After sometime, another car stopped for me though I didn't request for lift. I was shocked and bent myself to talk through window. When I was about to start speaking, he asked me in hindi how to goto kondapur. For a moment, I smiled and replied him that you should take a right turn near talky town. He looked confused, and as anyways I need help, so I told him “I'll show you where to take that right turn if you can give me lift”. He hesitated. Then I said showing my ID card “I work in TCS”. Remember, all this conversation was in hindi. God knows how I managed Hindi tenses. Lolz. He accepted me to get in looking at my ID card. As soon as I sat in, he started talking in English. Oops,, I felt “poor guy might have got irritated with my hindi”. He told that he works in mindspace. Had a nice and short experience with him. He sounded very different. When I wished him Goodnight, he replied back “hope we'll meet again one day”. Interesting guy.

I started requesting again. And this time, a bullet bike stopped for me. He is a mahindra satyam's employee. I came to know by looking at his tag. He accompanied me (or vice versa) till Miyapur. Had talks related to my delay and project clients. When I said thankyou, he said “no one gives you lift at this time. I don't know how you reach your place. Takecare”. I just smiled. Whatelse I can do??

From lingampally to miyapur, I came by four different vehicles. And I wondered myself how many more vehicles I'm going to stop. But luckily, one uncle droppped me till kukatpally on bike. He looked aged (infact he is) and so he didn't show any interest to speak. I just told him what made me to stay till latenight. I reached kukatpally very soon as it is traffic free time.

In kukatpally, auto stopped for me. Auto was going till Balanagar. He demanded 30rupees. Anything is Ok at that time. Right? So I boarded. I got down at Balanagar. Went to Cafe which runs 24*7 (through back door.. lolz). Had a cup of tea and started walking to my home. When my home is 500feet away, I saw four dogs. Huff.. that was the only moment I got scared. I felt bad because I got scared after reaching my place.

However, I reached at around 3:45am. Looked at the mirror as I generally do. And I felt as if I had a thrilling night journey to my place. I strictly don't want this to happen again.

P.S: I thought of writing this immediately, but I couldn't make it in time. Anyways I believe in Better late than never :P.

I luv to stay busy..!!

I'm in office, leaned back in my seat.. waiting for files to get copied from australia's network to ours.. eye lashes trying to meet.. but I forcibly pulled them apart and looked at my desk board's quotation "keep smiling.. the next minute will be yours". Suddenly I got an idea to write a blog, but I couldn't access any sites. So I Pressed "Start + R", and then typed "notepad" to start scribbling. I was struggling how to start, but finally decided to start writing the way I started writing.

Now let me start describing my day.
Note: Whereever I use Today in the context, it reflects both 24th and 25th september. You'll definitely understand the reason for this. If not, refer "P.S".

Everyday I usually getup at around 7am and I'll order my mom for hot water. But today I was bit lazy, and I got up at 8:30am. So I delayed ordering my mom. It delayed hot water processing. In fact, it delayed everything. I reached office at around 11:15am wondering what I'm going to say Sridhar (the person I was assigned to) about my delay. Luckily, he didn't ask me anything as he was very busy and I started acting as if I'm working on a task. Sometime later, he turned to me and asked- "what about yesterday's windows services issue??" I replied him- "Oh. I thought it got solved. isn't it?". He said "No" and asked me to search a solution for that. I started googling. Somehow, after surfing many sites, I got 3 solutions. One solution solved my case, and I informed him. This was the first time ever I gave a valid response to Sridhar's request. May be because of that reason, he said to one of our colleague- "See, even my junior started solving issues..". And I gave an obvious proud smile.

By that time, I was bit hungry and started to cafeteria to have my lunch. It was raining out heavily, and everyone was waiting for it to stop. After 15 minutes, it stopped, and almost everyone rushed to cafeteria at the sametime. That didn't allow me to eat happily. So I just had a paneer masala sandwich with few of my friends. Back to desk after few minutes. I was given some tasks and was working on them. Parallelly I was googling for our present project issues as it's release is planned in two days.

At times, Sridhar used to come on weekends, and everytime when I asked him a question "Do I need to come??", he used to say "pandaga chesko boss, Don't come". But to my surprise, he asked me to come tomorrow. I was speechless because I have gettogether planned for pranavi's birthday. I told him "I can't come, and though if I can come, I'll leave at 1pm". I couldn't read anything from his expressions, but anyways he asked me to come very early as installations going to start at around 4 or 5 am. By the way, I didn't say you on what tool I'm working. It is Installshield which deals with setup file creations and installations. So he wanted me to stay when installations are being processed.

In the evening, we had a team dinner at swagath hotel. Few members of the team were busy with bugs as project is scheduled to release, and Sridhar was one of them. So he asked me to attend the dinner on behalf of him. Lollzz.. :D. Dinner went on fine. I attended some around 10 calls during my eating process and I met two of my friends to receive a packet which has to be transferred to UK via Venky as he is leaving today. Everything well planned. Back to office after dinner.I was waiting for files to get copied from Australia's network to prepare a setup file.

Meanwhile, I went out to meet varsha as she is done with her job for today. Explained her about my whole day schedule. Talked to her for sometime, she boarded cab and I ran back to my desk to check whether the files are copied. Not done yet. The first para of this blog comes into picture now. So I started writing this blog, parallelly eyeing at few other things. Suddenly my cellphone's reminder reminded me off pranavi's birthday. Shame on my part. I felt as if I turned blogolic. lollz.. Called her and wished her. And I continued with notepad scribbling.

After completing this blog, I'll start with my setup creation as the files are ready. Later, venky will pick me up here itself. I'll goto airport to give sendoff. Later, as promised to Sridhar, I'll come to office as early as possible. Later, in the afternoon, I'll attend Pranavi's birthday. Later, in the evening, I may come back to office to work with my setup creation. So many "Later"s planned before. Huff.. damn busy.. right?? I don't know why, but I always love to stay busy. It keeps me happy.

P.S: I started this blog on 24th september at 11:45pm and it got ended at 25th september at 2am. So I couldn't differentiate both days and I used "today" to represent both. Warm birthday wishes to my friend Pranavi :)

happyness unexpecteD.!!

Few days ago, it was around 8pm when I was eagerly waiting for a train in lingampally railway station. Unfortunately, I was fortunate to meet one of my school friend veena. It is always a gifted shock when we meet our old friends. Anyways, a minute after our shocking smile, we went busy with our talks related to our jobs and her husband. I was happy that day to meet her unexpectedly.

Exactly two days after our meet, I was returning home from office and I got down the train in my stop. It was around 8:30 in the night and I decided to eat chat as there was no one at my home. When I was eating, I got a call from one of my friend satish. I was struggling hard to implement multitasking of cell talking and chat eating. During my struggle, an excited “hi” pinged my ears which triggered my neck to take a back turn. It was veena again. I thanked God immediately and told satish that I'll be calling back and pressed red button of my cell phone with great force.

I started walking with her. It is just 2 minutes walk to her place and in that short time she came to know that I'm going to skip my dinner. The next moment, she invited me to her place and I was really shocked to hear. I really didn't had words to say and she didn't give me chance to skip the deal. In order to share even more happyness, I forced her to call Anusha, other school friend of ours. She agreed to come and I left to my home for refreshment.

We three used to go to one tution during our 10th class and they know all levels of myself. Though we stay at one place, we never met anytime to share our talks. Only cell phones did that job. So I was really excited to meet them both at a time. After 15 minutes, we met and shared loads of fun for nearly one hour. When I was eating, suddenly one thing striked my mind and it was- I didn't pay for my samosa chat :P. I told the same thing to both of them and anusha replied- “nuvvu happy khadha??”.. hehe happyness unexpected.!!

PS: meeting old friends is always sweet. I hope everyone tastes it :)

glimpses of fun..!!

After my engineering, I had tasted boredom for 10 months. Though there were times of enjoyment with friends, on the whole I should stress the word boredom. The most important part of those days was waiting for job call. And later, after getting into training, I was unable to recollect my last 10 months because the fun-time in training made me forget all the past boring days. Our training went on for 3 months and I want to share few moments of it.

Our training started with programming language Dr.Scheme and our Co-ordinator for that was Radheshyam. He was not that strict, good at subject and his few English sentences created unforgettable fun. One such line from him was “Somewhat mandatory but optional.!!”. We really enjoyed the way he taught. He had been with us for 2 weeks before he left our campus to train other batch. We missed him for sure and Hitesh dedicated below song for him..

behti hawa sa tha woh..vudthi pathang sa tha woh.. kaha gaya vuse dundo..:P


In one of our role play sessions, kumar and pooja played their roles as father and daughter. Manoj played as mother. The overview of the play is “Pooja scored less in exams. She brings her report card to home and she has to convince her parents.” The best part of the play was manoj's cooking style and his dialogue “If you sign, there is no dinner for you”. The whole play was funny and they involved into their characters in such a way that Pooja started calling kumar as daddy and sneha started calling manoj as “Manu Aunty” from later on.


One day, Java session was going on. Most of us were not that interested to listen because of Coordinator’s ultra slow teaching. During class, Sir got stuck at one error. When he was trying hard to solve it, Sneha raised her voice and solved the problem. She knows how to solve errors but she doesn’t know that solving errors will ask her to bear new names. Because that day, our situation trackers ‘Hitesh & Kumar’ tracked the whole scene and made Sneha as creator for Dr.Sneha software. Dr.Sneha is named after Dr.Java which we used in training. She was called as Dr.Sneha during all our java sessions.

Secret Note: That error was a kiddish error :P. Thank God she solved.!!


Talent.. It is very important in anyone's life. Talent in studies is always good, but to hold talent in some special activity is always the best. And now, the best/funny part of our training was that we got an alias name for the word talent and it is Varsha. Her “My Photography” album pictures in orkut was been the base for our fun. Anyways, I have no guts to comment on varsha's photography, so have a look at our varsha's varsha. Oops sorry, varsha's talent.

Note: Don't miss the great lines on the pic. Click on it to enlarge :P


During our last days of Common ILP training, one day, we had Book review session. Everyone has to share about a book which they have read. The first person to start was Ramana Kishore. He started with the book “If you miss something..” written by David Warner. All of us know that he was bluffing because David Warner is a cricketer and so there is no book with that title. Had fun listening to him. Anyhow, we revealed it to our coordinator on the last day of our training.


These are the few funny moments of our training. Also, there are many more indescribable fun moments like Chitra's photo shoot, polls for Mr.Perfect, Mr.Lite, Mr.Loverboy and Mr.Silent, Bro-Gang's psycho techniques, Sneha's birthday, and the list goes on. And now, with out any doubt, I can just say- “I'm missing those glimpses of fun.!!”.

my struggle for words.!!

It’s been a long-time since I wrote a blog. The reasons behind this time gap are training exam, lab evaluation, case study stuff, release formalities of training, entering into TCS. But to be frank, all these reasons never made me too busy that I don't even have some time to write a blog. I had ample amount of time in the last few days and I was even ready to blog. But every time when I sat to put in some stuff, I lacked words striking my mind.!! And with lack of words, interest got degraded. I tried to know what's happening with me, and I didn't get any answer back. But one thing I can say - “I'm not fine, but I'm happy ;)”

After my entry into TCS Deccan Park, time never gave me chance to value time. I rarely used to look at time because when we are on bench, that doesn't make any sense.My time ignorance process continued for one complete week. And today, the day after a week in TCS, I seriously thought of putting an end to my struggle for words. Whole of the morning session was spent in cafeteria. Nothing has pinged my mind about blog. After our lunch, I went to library for the first time, along with Sneha and Varsha. To feel library environment or in other sense, to create library environment, I took one magazine from the rack and got settled in a seat. Though I was referring that magazine, I was thinking about what I should write in a blog. I told the same thing to Sneha, and I received an excellent reply- “write something re”. I just smiled and turned my eyes on to the book. Though I was not interested in reading that book, I was turning pages to find something interesting. Suddenly, I came across the line “struggling for words” which made me think. The line depicted my present situation and I decided to write a blog on this title. And my decision got implemented.

In the evening, we got our permanent ID cards. From now on, we can hear beep sound whenever we access our card :P. Though this beep sound is not important in the present context, I just shared as a matter of memory. By the way, at the end of the day, I'm happy for navya getting transferred to Chennai as she wished. Happy ending to my struggle for words.. and will be back very soon with glimpses of fun..!!

a walk in the rain..

Today, I got up late in the morning as yesterday night I went to have dinner with all my friends. As I had a nice dinner, I had a sound sleep last night. My parents and sister were out of station and I'm alone at home. Had nothing to do apart from washing my clothes. No one was there online in orkut to scrap. Thought of spending some time with TV. But the Mangalore Air crash news didn't allow me to enjoy the entertainment stuff. So, I managed to sleep again after washing my clothes. To provide some work to myself, I went to Sudha hotel to have my lunch at 4pm. This part of my life is known as laziness. I'm sure, after joining TCS, this day is my first weekend day on which I was free almost the whole day.

In the evening, I tried to concentrate on some or the other stuff. Tried to edit few photos but that didn't progress as I didn't get any ideas. Tried to design my blog template, but that didn't happen as I lack knowledge. Atlast tried to concentrate on dotNet topics- delegates and event handlers, but I couldn't handle this event even. I felt to myself, this day is one of the best boring day of my recent days. Atlast, at around 6.30pm, I decided that I couldn't bear my boredom anymore. So, I decided to goto my favourite spot JamesStreet's Railway footover bridge. Actually, Sun was out when I went out to have my dinner in the afternoon. But, I don't know that it rained later. So, when I came out at 6.30, the climate was very cool and I enjoyed it.. and I even felt that “this is the right time to goto JamesStreet.” Meanwhile, I provided some work to my iPod Codecs.

During my walk to railway station at my place, I felt like eating chat as the climate encouraged me. So, without hesitating, I ate it. After eating, I started to Station, but unfortunately it started drizzling. Before I reached station, it rained heavily. So, after reaching station, I decided to drop my plan of going to JamesStreet. I stayed there at that station for a while until the rain stopped. Though I dropped my plan, I decided to walk over the bridge near my place. I can say, this is my “decision of the day.” I reached Balkampet within very less time. I started walking over the bridge. Climate was damn cool. Hold on.. Twist in my narration again- i.e. It started raining again. I couldn't hide myself under any roof as I was over the bridge. I started running back to Balkampet, and I reached Light Sun Cafe, the cafe which I visit often (Of course, these days I'm rarely visiting beacause of my job). Had a cup of hot tea in a cool rain. Waited again till the rain has stopped. I started back to home. I decided this time- “I'm not gonna stop even if it rains.” It didn't rain till I covered half of the bridge. But to increase few lines of this blog, it drizzled again. I had only 2 options at that time i.e. Either go back or move forward. As I was in the middle of the bridge, I didn't try to look back :P. I came back home walking in the rain protecting my iPod ear phones. I can say, that was a pleasing end to the boring day as I enjoyed my little time walk in the rain..

P.S: I thank my friend Varsha (Rain) as it rained. “Thanks Rain :P.“

5th November 2009..

Exactly 3 days before this date, early in the morning at 6 am, I received a call from my friend. I was asked to get ready soon in 15 minutes. My friend was in a hurry, so he didn't say me about his plan. However, I was ready in 15 minutes. Yash and Venky came to my place, picked me, and we started to KPHB. It was around 7am I guess when our car stopped at UCO bank. There were already few people standing in the line, and within no time I was asked to join the line. I didn't say you what we were actually trying to do. That day, our last 60 minute hurry-show was to buy tickets for India vs Australia Cricket match. Bank opened at 10.30am, and tickets are in our hand at around 12. No doubt.. we showed our extreme patience levels..!!

Two days passed...

The actual cricket feel had begun on November 5th, after the birthday celebration of venky. It was midnight when me and Raviteja went to balanagar to get vinyl prints which we ordered for the match. However, our midnight ride ended after one hour when we came back to venky's room to sleep. The worst part of that time was Harsha didn't allow me to sleep and we both had a long chat (not online.. its live :P) for two hours. That midnight chat troubled me which you'll come to know very soon.

Early morning, at around 6.30 am, I got up and started to my place. I was bit weak that day. May be due to fever which I had for the last 2 days or may be due to previous night's bike ride or may be due to that sleepless chat with Harsha. However, I didn't had any option of bunking that cricket match. Though if I had that option, I would have not opted for it because “Cricket ke liye.. anything.. in any situation.. :P”. All of us started at around 10.30am and we were at the stadium by 12pm. Actual excitement had begun then. It was very hot, and there are already thousands of people lined up. We had no option other than increasing the count of number of people standing in the line. However, after sometime, we entered in (Camera was not allowed.. very disappointed). Till that day, I had a wrong opinion that watching match live in a stadium is strainful, and I even thought that the players are not clearly visible. My opinion is true to some extent but not completely.

The match had started at 2.30pm with Australians occupying the pitch. The first thing which I felt was... “when we watch a match in television, 22yard pitch gets filled in our eyes.. whereas if we watch it in a stadium, the whole ground gets filled in our eyes..”. It was really a great feeling watching live in the stadium. But, we had a disappointing afternoon that day as Australians were in full swing. I slept for one hour due to my weakness, and also because of the soothing musical notes produced from Cameron White's bat. His exposure on that day helped Australia to reach 350 run mark.

In the 30minute session break, all of us gained some energy and we were ready with flags and banners. Our eager wait ended when Sachin came out looking up at the sky. As Sachin need 7 more runs to reach to his 17000run mark, for every run scored by him, the crowd showed their heights of vocal power. The moment he scored his 7th run, the crowd produced huge decibels of sound. I think “huge decibels of noise” is more apt. Let it be anything.. Sachin deserves everything. It was really a great feeling joining my hands to applaud the little master. The later part of the match was damn good as Sachin went on to score 175. Once imagine my level of excitement that day as I watched my Cricketing idol performing. Credit goes to my friend Venky for his Cricket match wish. Though India lost the match by 3 runs, we were really happy as we saw Sachin implementing his classic shots all around the ground. So, the date, 5th November 2009, was very memorable to us as we all experienced Sachin's master class that day..

P.S: Congrats to Sachin for his Double Century in ODIs. I thought of writing this blog after his 200 knock, but I was busy :P.

an emotional joy..

At every phase of our life, we are accompanied by our friends. It is always good to have friends by your side to tease, to hurt and to support. But sometimes, we are forced to move apart. It generally happens with school friends, as in those days we do not have any contact numbers to save or to distribute. Initially, We miss them. Slowly, time makes us to forget them.. and now they own the name Old Friends...

School days were the days during which the originality of ours play a major role. 10 years of schooling, and we know each other since childhood, so we never try to impress anyone, and thus the originality comes into picture. Years pass as seasons pass.. but memories stay with us to make us smile. Suddenly, one day, we may/will get a chance to meet our old friends to trigger those old beautiful memories.. and I'm sure.. that day is really a special day.

I have few friends in my life whom I missed. I thought I would never meet them again because it has been around 7 years after our schooling. But i'm fortunate to meet 2 of my old friends after 7 years. Recently, I somehow got my friend Rama Krishna's number and we both talked to each other but never thought of meeting due to our busy schedule :P. Anyways, even laziness has its limits.. right?? so we planned to meet each other. On march 16th 2010, I met my friend RamaKrishna finally. During our school days, I was very short and I used to be the third person standing in line during our prayer time. And now when I met RK, of course after our tight hug, he said “you are comparatively tall now..” and I experienced unconditional proud. We spent nearly 3 hours and recollected our memories. A bench in Krishna Kanth park should thank us as we made her to bear friends instead of lovers..!!

Around 5 days later, I received a call from the same guy RK, and the call summary was that he talked to Durga (other school friend), and they are planning to meet the next sunday. I was ready for this meet too. But we thought of making it somemore special. So we spoked to few other school friends who are in touch with us and we planned a small get together. We made sure of hiding this plan from Durga. On march 28th 2010, we reached Birla Mandir, and we were waiting for Durga's call. She made us wait for longtime, and finally called RK after her class (I don't know the details of her course). Atlast, after few call processings, our ex-Leader Durga reached birla mandir. We all were ready to surprise her. As planned, RK met her. He made her to walk towards us. The moment she saw us.. she was speechless (but mouth opened). Once imagine, a girl who was prepared to meet only one friend.. and all of a sudden, she was forced to meet 7 other friends that too after 7 years.. Great feeling.. isn't it?? The initial hours of our meet were really tough as silence played its part. But as I already said school friends are friends with whom we never implement shy. We started our recollecting session and the later hours were so special for us as we travelled back to our school days. Felt really happy to see Vinay Teja, Sandeep (Mowgli), Anusha (topper), Sarojini (Jini), Sravanthi (she hates the name Sravs), RK (the actor) and Durga Venu (the leader, angry young girl). I can proudly say.. We all forced a note of an emotional joy in to our voice..

P.S: I have two more friends whom I'm willing to meet in my life. They are Preethi and Vidya Sagar. Hope I meet them one day

a very auspicious day to start my career..

Nearly 10 months after my college, on march 18th 2010, I was called to strike the software industry. This date is already special to me as it is one of my friend's birthdate and I'm fortunate to start my career on this day. Though the days after college made me more lazy than ever, it also showed me the excess patience levels which I had. Anyways, whether we learn something or we unlearn something, it is always good to say Past is Past.

On 18th, at around 5 am, my cellphone's alarm woke me up. Few habits in life never change and of course they should not change. To make the previous statement true, I switched off my alarm and went back to sleep again. But I should really thank cellphones for introducing “snooze” feature, because of which the alarm shouted again after 10 minutes, and this time I realised and didn't shut my eyes for more than 2 seconds. My plan was to leave my home at 6.45, but I was ready by 6.30. I was dressed in a light blue shirt which my mom liked, and a black trouser which my mom insisted not to wear as it was/is black in colour. I satisfied both mom and myself. As I had 15 minutes more to start, I just provided some work to our mirror which is fixed in a pink coloured frame. Both me and my mirror experienced the new “me” because I had put on my tie that day. When I was busy setting my tie, my phone rang and it was Venky from UK. Though the time was not convenient for him to call, he managed to ring my number and wished me. I felt proud to have such time managing friends and received his wishes. Few minutes later, I started from home, went to kukatpally.

Met Varun there, and we both started to CMC gachibowli on our 100cc Honda Activa. I guess it is 100cc, i'm not sure. Let it be anything, we both reached our spot in time with an average speed of “some”kmph. We need to make few settings to ourselves before entering into campus. So we stopped few yards out from the campus, and this time provided some work to honda activa's mirror. We both felt that everything was fine except tie. Anyways, we entered into CMC with different emotions such as excitement, bit tensed, irritation created by tie, happiness, eagerness and the words goes on.

Everything till now was so interesting.. right?? I used 2 paragraphs for narrating 3 hours. And now I just need one paragraph to narrate my next 6 hours of the day. The narration starts now- we all were called in at around 9am. We were sent into CMC's auditorium, the place with less air and special light effects. Initially, there was a presentation about TCS. I have no words to talk about it now as I couldn't hear most of the presentation. Batches were divided later on. Document verification started. Had our lunch after sometime. Post lunch session continued with document stuff. Everyone waited eagerly/patiently until their chance to submit their 100 rupees stamp paper which has print of service agreement on it. At around 3.30pm, document verification was done and we were asked to leave. Spent sometime in the campus, and later started back home.

Before reaching our places, we went to yash's home to describe CMC's auditorium experiences. Shared our 6 hours experience in less than 6 lines. After less than one hour, we started back home. At around 5pm, I reached my place. Answered my mom's questions which I already expected. One hour later, I called Joseph, and I went back to kukatpally again to meet him as that day was his birthday. Right from the day on which I got my joining date, he made sure to tell me that my joining day was very auspicious day. So I went to him to share some part of the auspicious day with him, and of course to eat his birthday cake. Spent sometime with him, nearly 2 hours I guess.. and I started back home. Though my friend Joseph funnily quoted it as auspicious day,
I feel it was really a very auspicious day to start my career..

P.S: I didn't expect that I can write this long about this day.. I rock..!!

3 coffee mugs.. and 1 internet messenger.. .

Few years back, before I had internet connection in my PC, I used to raise a question- “Though friends meet daily, and when cellphones are available, how can people chat killing most of their time??”. After some days, internet was available on my PC and I started chatting with my friends. I never thought of my killing time question again. My initial chatting days were really tough as I used to switch between different chatting windows with rapid speed. The first thing I felt was “it provides good exercise to fingers”. Also, it keeps your mind fresh provided you use limited version of chatting.

Chatting is the best way to share. I feel the best time to chat is during college days. No matter how meaningless the topic is.. it always provides excitement and fun when discussed. It makes you share about yourself which tongue cannot share. It can be used to discuss about many things like friends, movies, old memories, news, gossips and sometimes subject topics, of course we rarely go with the last one. No doubt after chatting, your mind gets refreshed. College days chatting is the first phase in chatting which everyone enjoys by sharing fun.

Times change. College days turn into college memories. Friends become bit busy with their careers and further studies. There are few friends who stayed connected to us for few years and we rarely used to chat with them. And now, they go abroad for their studies and within no time we add their Ids to our messenger list. Previously, we rarely used to chat with them and now we regularly chat with them to stay connected. This is the second phase in chatting. First phase deals with fun, and second deals with fun and also pain of missing them. Anyways, life goes on, and we get habituated to every phase.

After many days, I came across my killing time question again. But this time, I was able to answer it. The answer is- “Chatting gives you chance to share which tongue cannot share, of course not in all cases. Also, it keeps you connected with your old friends”. Life also means.. .3 old friends, 3 separate cities, 3 coffee mugs.. and 1 internet messenger.

P.S: Avoid long hours of chatting. You can chat regularly to stay connected but use limited time chatting. Happy Chatting :).

two stones.. and a fire.. .

Most of the happenings in life are never expected. They may bring in happiness or unhappiness. But people often give much importance to unhappiness. I agree that tough times degrade a person. But if we observe the last phrase again, we can find an answer that “it is just time”. Time moves on. Remember, neither happiness nor sorrows stays forever.

When you fall at any instant of life, your family or friends will definitely give their hand to make you stand again. But it is your dreams or goals which gives back your strength to move again. You may or may not achieve your dreams, but as far as I feel dreaming is always good as it keeps your life on moving track. There is no meaning in going through life without a destination, and it is dreams which play a role of destination. Once you make a dream, you'll definitely enjoy the journey towards your dream and enjoying the journey is what we call or what we should call- “living life”.

Obstacles are placed in the path of your life, not to trouble you but to make you more tougher than before. They are put in our way to see if what we want is really worth fighting for.. Whenever you fail to cross an obstacle, remember the line “if you never failed.. you never lived..!!” and don't let your hopes come down. Keeping your hopes alive will always give you good fruits in the near days. Hope is a good thing.. . may be the best of things.. and remember “no good thing ever dies”. When you make sure that you don't cease your efforts for your dream, you'll meet with a success unexpected.

So.. Friends.. make few dreams, love them and live your life. I feel, "dreams & hope" are two stones to light a fire called success.

my days with MangO..

In my first year of Engineering, I was called out of the class for cricket selections. Ground was already occupied by many seniors of my branch, and without any hesitancy, I questioned myself-”Did I commit a mistake by raising hand when seniors asked for guys who knew cricket??”. Before I could answer to my self made question, I was called by a senior with whom I can surely win Heavy Weight Competition. He asked me to bowl for sometime as I told him that I'm a bowler. After my break-less bowling for nearly an hour, he came to me and told that I got selected. He also told sweetly that you are not going to play in the match as the team got already filled. As a junior, I didn't had any words that day, but I was dare enough to ask him for his name. He simply said “I'm mango”. I thought he was hiding his actual name as seniors generally do.

Many days later, in my 2nd year, I met mango again for the same reason Cricket. During our match practising, our Physical Trainer (named as Pitapuram by Mango) came to us and talked to us. In between talks, he addressed Mango with the same name Mango. Then I came to a conclusion that Mango is not just the name used by students. That day, I eagerly asked mango for his actual name, and he said- “my name is Rajesh, but most of them call me mango”.

Later, in my 3rd year 2nd semester, mango joined our batch as he got detained due to lack of attendance. As I was already familiar to this guy, I never felt him as a new face. With in few days, we were turned in to good friends. One fine day, I eagerly asked him about the story behind his name mango.

He said- “In my first year, I used to be bit weird towards seniors. One day, in bus, one of my senior asked me for mango fruit. I told him “as it is winter, we wont get those fruits now”. Senior took my words as a chance and asked me to bring mangoes the next day. I took that as a funny deal and didn't think of it. That evening, when I was out, to my surprise I found mangoes. As a junior, I thought of fooling that senior and bought those mangoes immediately. Next day, the mango lover asked me for mangoes, and within no time I kept those unripened mangoes in his hands. He was speechless. I think the news of mangoes spread like wildfire in his class. The same evening, when I came out of our block, I saw seniors sitting on the lawn. One girl from my seniors, who knew the story of mangoes called me-“Oye”. Though I knew that she was calling me, I didn't respond. After trying twice, she called me- “Mango”, and I looked at her. That's it, my name Mango started that way”. I was continuously laughing in the bus after hearing to his story as I never heard this sort of story behind a nickname.

Later on, I enjoyed his company every time. I still remember, one day when I asked him an unanswerable question, mango's reply was a song- “ee usha kiranaaluu...” (a starting song in ETV channel). I was shocked in happiness and gave him a tight hug when he came to my place in the night on my birthday. We used to enjoy sitting in Ramu dhaba. It was because of him, my cell phone's speaker got repaired as he always used to listen my phone songs with maximum volume. I couldn't forget the day when I got eliminated in one of the interview, as this guy made me feel much better. Though I'm missing those days with him, my days with mango will be stored forever in my heart..

.. be a friend.. till the end..

Life is a good book when it is filled with relations. God gives us relatives, and we choose our friends. We never know- how a friendship starts? It can start with a smile, a small help, a funny joke, and so on. Whatever may be the reason, we get connected and once it is tightened up, we feel as if we are two kings ruling a kingdom called friendship.

The best part of friendship is respecting differences. If you can overlook those small differences, you will never miss the great feel in your relation. I personally believe in the line, “Differences are never differences until we look them as differences”.

Since my childhood, I have a friend named BalKishan, a guy from Rajasthani family. Our relation started by sharing chocolates. It grew by sharing pens. It got the name friendship when we shared our differences. Yes, we both differ in most of the cases. But we still enjoy each other's company. He wholeheartedly shows disrespect towards studies. He hate relations. He never cares people and of course me. Most of the times, we fight because of Sachin Tendulkar i.e. If Tendulkar fails to perform in important matches, then I need to face a tough war from him as I support Tendulkar. I never expect a call from him until and unless he has some urgency. Though I hate most of him, one thing overcomes that hate and it is- whenever I'm tensed up with exams, he says “Come off, lets play cricket, I'm sure you'll do well anyways”. His confidence on me kills my hate on him.

All I can say is, never say to your friend what you dont like instead know what your friend likes. You do what all you can do to your friend but never expect a single minute from your friend because expectations are the source for disappointment. Lastly, “If you need a good friend, observe only goodness in him/her and you be a friend.. till the end..”.