a very auspicious day to start my career..

Nearly 10 months after my college, on march 18th 2010, I was called to strike the software industry. This date is already special to me as it is one of my friend's birthdate and I'm fortunate to start my career on this day. Though the days after college made me more lazy than ever, it also showed me the excess patience levels which I had. Anyways, whether we learn something or we unlearn something, it is always good to say Past is Past.

On 18th, at around 5 am, my cellphone's alarm woke me up. Few habits in life never change and of course they should not change. To make the previous statement true, I switched off my alarm and went back to sleep again. But I should really thank cellphones for introducing “snooze” feature, because of which the alarm shouted again after 10 minutes, and this time I realised and didn't shut my eyes for more than 2 seconds. My plan was to leave my home at 6.45, but I was ready by 6.30. I was dressed in a light blue shirt which my mom liked, and a black trouser which my mom insisted not to wear as it was/is black in colour. I satisfied both mom and myself. As I had 15 minutes more to start, I just provided some work to our mirror which is fixed in a pink coloured frame. Both me and my mirror experienced the new “me” because I had put on my tie that day. When I was busy setting my tie, my phone rang and it was Venky from UK. Though the time was not convenient for him to call, he managed to ring my number and wished me. I felt proud to have such time managing friends and received his wishes. Few minutes later, I started from home, went to kukatpally.

Met Varun there, and we both started to CMC gachibowli on our 100cc Honda Activa. I guess it is 100cc, i'm not sure. Let it be anything, we both reached our spot in time with an average speed of “some”kmph. We need to make few settings to ourselves before entering into campus. So we stopped few yards out from the campus, and this time provided some work to honda activa's mirror. We both felt that everything was fine except tie. Anyways, we entered into CMC with different emotions such as excitement, bit tensed, irritation created by tie, happiness, eagerness and the words goes on.

Everything till now was so interesting.. right?? I used 2 paragraphs for narrating 3 hours. And now I just need one paragraph to narrate my next 6 hours of the day. The narration starts now- we all were called in at around 9am. We were sent into CMC's auditorium, the place with less air and special light effects. Initially, there was a presentation about TCS. I have no words to talk about it now as I couldn't hear most of the presentation. Batches were divided later on. Document verification started. Had our lunch after sometime. Post lunch session continued with document stuff. Everyone waited eagerly/patiently until their chance to submit their 100 rupees stamp paper which has print of service agreement on it. At around 3.30pm, document verification was done and we were asked to leave. Spent sometime in the campus, and later started back home.

Before reaching our places, we went to yash's home to describe CMC's auditorium experiences. Shared our 6 hours experience in less than 6 lines. After less than one hour, we started back home. At around 5pm, I reached my place. Answered my mom's questions which I already expected. One hour later, I called Joseph, and I went back to kukatpally again to meet him as that day was his birthday. Right from the day on which I got my joining date, he made sure to tell me that my joining day was very auspicious day. So I went to him to share some part of the auspicious day with him, and of course to eat his birthday cake. Spent sometime with him, nearly 2 hours I guess.. and I started back home. Though my friend Joseph funnily quoted it as auspicious day,
I feel it was really a very auspicious day to start my career..

P.S: I didn't expect that I can write this long about this day.. I rock..!!